Friday, November 16, 2007

Where my ho's at

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

Albert Einstein
Yahoo news reports that the Santa’s in Sydney Australia are told not to use the traditional ho ho ho greeting because it maybe offensive to women.
They are afraid that the children who come to visit ol’ St Nick may misunderstand and think he is referring to their mommies as prostitutes.
Yet another example of treating the symptom, and not the disease.
Why attack a jolly fat guy and not the people who originally created the connection between Kringles harmless greeting and disease infested street walkers. Hip Hop. Now I realize that every offensive bit of terminology and violent behavior against women (and dogs) is protected under a blanket “its the culture” cry every time the subject is brought up and personally I don’t care what people call each other or allow others to call them but leave Santa out of it.
Don’t saddle Santa with the “we shouldn’t call women ho’s” just because your afraid to confront the real source.
If your kid has trouble with what’s Santa and what’s Hip Hop then snatch that lead paint covered Chinese made toy out if his mouth and learn him a thing or two while he’s still got a couple of brain cells to rub together.
Santa Claus transcends popular culture he was here first and he’ll be here long after these ridiculous fads have died off.
So fo’get you ho’s.
Man we really treat the elderly like crap.
And as for Australia I say g’day…



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